5 Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen Commercials That Will Turn You Into a Big Fan
Oftentimes, the more you learn about a topic, the more interesting it becomes. Going into G-Wagen Month here on autoevolution I had mixed feelings about the somewhat-mythical SUV from Mercedes. But it’s starting to grow on me. I wouldn’t even want an AMG version, as the extra horsepower wouldn’t completely compensate for the size and weight of this thing. And as I’ve been looking at dozens and dozens of G-Wagen commercials for this story, I think I might be saving up for one soon.
Back in October of 2022, we ran a special Commercials Month here on autoevolution. And we saw some pretty remarkable ads for both cars and motorcycles alike. By comparison, we couldn’t find any G-Wagen promo videos capable of delivering the same level of excitement. Even so, it was difficult to select just five of them, as each one is interesting to watch regardless of how you feel about the boxy SUV. But it’s not all that surprising that Mercedes-Benz has kept things rather simple with these commercials.
The G-Wagen’s legacy is already a big selling point and there are plenty of Off-Road connoisseurs out there that don’t require any further convincing to buy one of these. Still, you can’t just completely cut the marketing budget of a product in your portfolio, so the German manufacturer has commissioned multiple campaigns for the G-Wagen throughout its lifespan. Without further ado, let’s have a look at some of the best ones, in no particular order whatsoever.
5. My Car Is My Castle
While you might think that only men are interested in driving a G-Wagen, this video tends to prove otherwise. “My Car is My Castle” doesn’t necessarily imply the need for a King, as a Queen can rule over her domain just as well. “Striving for freedom” and “looking for adventure” go hand in hand for someone who needs to periodically escape from the concrete jungle.
The vehicle used in this commercial is a G 350 d, and the message is quite clear. The G-Wagen can be your reliable adventure buddy, as it will help you reach the next step of your journey. We’re looking at a simple, yet effective approach to promoting a product that has already proven itself time and time again.
4. Stronger Than Time
There are plenty of reasons why people often consider the G-Wagen to be one of the toughest cars ever built. If you’ve ever owned or at least driven one of these, you won’t have any difficulties in supporting that affirmation. But how do you describe that to someone who has only seen the car from afar? You use a comparison. “That man was as strong as an ox!” In this Mercedes commercial, the G-Wagen is described as being “stronger than time.”
Using hyperbole is meant to emphasize the capabilities of this vehicle, in a way that will also provide some ease of mind regarding reliability. The first shot in the video kind of reminds us of Blade Runner 2049, but it all quickly transforms into a Mad Max type of scenario as the Mercedes-AMG G 63 passes through an almost apocalyptic sandstorm. In the second part of the video, we see the car transitioning to the city, which is bound to open up your appetite for jumping behind the wheel of one.
3. Built. Unlike any other.
Actions speak louder than words. And instead of mentioning how tough the G-Wagen is once again, Mercedes-Benz opted for a visual approach to relay the message more effectively and impressively. Now, most people have seen a vehicle undergo a crash test at least once in their lifetime. And if safety is one of your main concerns when buying a new car, you’ve probably seen more than just one. This spot was all about exceeding expectations.
Once the G-Wagen starts rolling toward the wall, you can’t help but think that it’s not going to suffer too much damage upon impact. But you’ll probably be gasping for air once the SUV blasts its way through the obstacle ahead, then passes through an office before exiting the building through a massive brick wall. This kind of fictionalization is just what you’d see in a show on Cartoon Network perhaps, but the message is obvious. And the delivery method is memorable, to say the least.
2. Not Everything Is Built to Last
This spot is very relatable if you’ve ever owned a premium car. Doors tend to be heavier on these, as they’re meant to provide a higher level of safety and soundproofing. So closing them requires you to use a certain amount of effort on your side. If you’ll get into a taxi that isn’t on par with your car and you’ll use the same force to close the door, there’s a good chance that you’ll unwillingly end up slamming it.
And we see that same premise in this G-Wagen commercial. One might even suspect that “Not everything is built to last” is almost an indirect blow to the competition. But the main point is that G-Wagen is in a class of its own: the G-Class.
1. Hide and Seek
Undoubtedly the Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen is a machine of many qualities. Showcasing all of them in a short commercial video might be tricky. So it’s no wonder that certain spots will focus on certain elements instead of portraying them all. The “Hide and Seek” commercial from a few years back goes down a different path than the “My Car is My Castle” video.
Seeing that movie stars, sports stars and superstars have all used the G-Wagen to get places, that means it should be good enough for you too, right? Right off the bat, the video attempts to create a transfer of trust that should lure you into the world of Geländewagen.
“It has crossed the Serengeti, explored both Poles, scaled the Himalayas, and journeyed through the Sahara” is meant to provide physical and historical evidence regarding the capabilities of the iconic SUV. And the emotional rollercoaster is just starting as we’re told that “there is still one thing this car has never been able to do.”
This is bound to peak most people’s interest, in anticipation of the final selling point. The G-Wagen has never been able to “blend in”, which further reinforces the idea that by buying this car you’re joining a special club of people who always stand out from the crowd. Whoever came up with the idea for this commercial must have been one smooth operator. If you’ve enjoyed our G-Wagen commercial retrospective so far, you’ll be thrilled to know that part two is coming up quite soon!
Article Credits: Dragos Chitulescu
Full Articles: https://www.autoevolution.com/news/5-mercedes-benz-g-wagen-commercials-which-will-turn-you-into-a-big-fan-209304.html